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changelog, releases and whatnotNews

Move to Github

Long time no see!

I’ve decided to move the project to Github, to decrease amount of typing needed to get a long-overdue release out.

Doxygen documentation

Thanks to Achill Hasler, we now have a complete, Doxygen-based, reference manual.

Switch to Waf

The build/installation system has been changed from hand-maintained makefiles to a modern alternative, Waf. This means that official process of building/installing TUT requires Python. For now Waf scripts used in TUT handle GCC, MinGW and various versions of MSVC. Support for Intel/Sun/Borland compilers is not there yet.

TUT is now also somewhat customizable during build/installation, using ./waf configure shell command. You can even check the self-test coverage if you have bcov installed on your machine.

However, you can still ‘just copy the files’ using the default tut_config.hpp. Bear in mind that by doing that you miss much goodies, e.g. generated pkg-config file.


This is a bugfix release.


Introduces a whole new feature of multi-process testing. This includes forking, reporting failed tests in children, controlling their exit status and cleanup code:

pid_t childPid = fork();
if(childPid == 0)
        ensure("Child failed", false);

// this is going to fail
ensure_child_exit(childPid, 0);

Added ensure_errno test for meaningful reporting of failed system calls.

Both features are available only on *nix platforms.


Introduced new header include style. There are two ways you can include the TUT headers:

#include <tut.h>
#include <tut/tut.hpp>

The second option is preferred method whereas the first option is to provide backward compatibility with clients of the previous releases.

Minor fixes for Borland C++ Builder 6 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.


Introduced a new exception tut_error as base for all TUT exceptions. I have two reasons to do it:

// function to test
void foo(bool cond)
    if (!cond) 
        throw logic_error("condition is not set");

// inside a test
    ensure("something", some_expression); // can throw logic_error
catch (const logic_error&)
    // ok or pitfall?

Howewer, because of that tut_error is derived from std::exception, you should avoid catching std::exception in your test code without appropriate checks. * Some implementations of Standard C++ Library restrict size of a message passed into a standard exception (from stdexcept) within narrow limits (usually, 256 bytes). Sometimes, it leads to incomplete messages in TUT reports.

Minor changes: * actual and expected values are quoted to increase failure messages readability; * if ensure_distance fails it will output a range in round brackets because range borders are excluded from range (thanks to Koolin Timofey). * New function added: ensure_not. I’ve found that ensure_not(condition) is a bit more readable than ensure(!condition)


Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 is supported. This version of compiler supports standard C++ exception handling in accordance with the C++ standard. It means that only synchronous C++ exceptions thrown with a throw statement will be caught in a catch block.

TUT uses two models of exception: handling SEH and standard C++ exception handling. TUT expects that if any structured exception is raised it will be handled by nearer C++ catch handler. It was default behavior of the previous version of compiler (option /EHs). But for the new version I have to turn on asynchronous exception handling (option /EHa).


Fix: lost changes from version TUT-2006-03-29 are restored.

Fix: errors appeared while compiling restartable example are fixed. But there are a lot of outstanding works to support completely the last changes.

Jamfiles for examples added.


Today’s update is the work of a new TUT’s contributor, Denis Kononenko.

Jamfile added to build TUT Framework using Boost Build System v2

It builds TUT itself and automatically executes the selftest. Further enchancements are coming soon.

New functionality is added: now we can optionally specify the test name right from inside the test.

void my_object_tests::test<1>() 
    set_test_name("test basic scenario"); 

If the test fails the test name will appear in the test report, e.g.:

---> group: my_object_tests, test: test<1> test basic scenario 
     problem: assertion failed 
     failed assertion: "not implemented"

Also a custom reporter can retrieve the test name using tut::test_result::name attribute.

Minor fix: TUT selftest didn’t exit with code 0 if there have been failed tests.


New callback events: group_started() and group_completed(). Thanks to Mateusz Loskot and Bartlomiej Kalinowski for pointing out to the incompleteness of the interface.


ensure() now is a template and thus accepts both const char* and std::string

Optimization level is reduced to -g for GCC 3.x in samples since otherwise I have a sigsegv.


Fix: Win32 doesn’t allow to mix try / catch and _try / _catch. Mea culpa.


Bugfix release (thanks to Denis Kononenko).

An exception in test group constructor was causing all tests in the group to be marked as failed, even including dummy methods, i.e. those not written by the developer. The result is usually a list of 50 “errors” only few of them are actual tests.

An exception in test group ctor terminates the whole group. No tests in this group are executed in this run.

First failed test has reason set to ex_ctor, and default reporter shows it as [1=C].


Minor, really minor change: dropped extra && from end of declaration which prevented TUT from being used with Sun C++ compiler (thanks to Andrey Sidorenko)


Usablility changes (thanks to Justin Sampson):


TUT now works under VC7 2003. VC7 2002 is not supported, and will not be supported due to lack of standard features.

Tests are now should be specialized more standard-way, i.e. with using two template<> statements:

void object::test<1>()

All compilers except for VC allow to specify only one template line, but it is not standard, and going to change soon.

Since VC forbids to use __try and try in same context, minor changes are made in SEH code to replace throw with good old return.

Makefiles organization is refactored.


Default results callback handler is moved into separate optional header tut_reporter.h and refactored to increase verbosity level. There are also a few more self-tests to cover the reporter. Usage:

#include <tut.h>
#include <tut_reporter.h>

namespace tut
    test_runner_singleton runner;

int main()
    tut::reporter reporter;

Makefile structure for selftest is refactored finally to reuse common dependencies Makefile.common. Shame on me not done it early.

SCO platforms are no longer supported. SCO is no more a software company, it produces only sues.


Tar.gz is now built using real TAR and GZIP applications, not 7ZIP.

Fixed missed STL includes required for some platforms.

Removed outdated dependencies in Makefiles.

Supressed useless and mistaken compiler warnings.