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it's better to see once...Example

An example testgroup which tests a std::auto_ptr implementation. Of course, those tests are far from complete.

#include <tut/tut.hpp>
#include <memory>

using std::auto_ptr;

 * This example test group tests std::auto_ptr implementation.
 * Tests are far from full, of course.
namespace tut
 * Struct which may contain test data members.
 * Test object (class that contains test methods)
 * will inherite from it, so each test method can
 * access members directly.
 * Additionally, for each test, test object is re-created
 * using defaut constructor. Thus, any prepare work can be put
 * into default constructor.
 * Finally, after each test, test object is destroyed independently
 * of test result, so any cleanup work should be located in destructor.
struct auto_ptr_data
     * Type used to check scope lifetime of auto_ptr object.
     * Sets extern boolean value into true at constructor, and
     * to false at destructor.
    bool exists;

    struct existing
        bool& s_;
        existing(bool& s) : s_(s)
            s_ = true;

            s_ = false;

    auto_ptr_data(): exists(false) { }

    virtual ~auto_ptr_data() { }

 * This group of declarations is just to register
 * test group in test-application-wide singleton.
 * Name of test group object (auto_ptr_group) shall
 * be unique in tut:: namespace. Alternatively, you
 * you may put it into anonymous namespace.
typedef test_group<auto_ptr_data> tf;
typedef tf::object object;
tf auto_ptr_group("std::auto_ptr");

 * Checks default constructor.
void object::test<1>()
    auto_ptr<existing> ap;
    ensure(ap.get() == 0);
    ensure(ap.operator->() == 0);

 * Checks constructor with object
void object::test<2>()
        auto_ptr<existing> ap(new existing(exists));
        ensure("get", ap.get() != 0);
        ensure_equals("constructed", exists, true);
    // ptr left scope
    ensure_equals("destructed", exists, false);

 * Checks operator -> and get()
void object::test<3>()
    auto_ptr<existing> ap(new existing(exists));
    existing* p1 = ap.get();
    existing* p2 = ap.operator->();
    ensure("get equiv ->", p1 == p2);
    // ensure no losing ownership
    p1 = ap.get();
    ensure("still owner", p1 == p2);

 * Checks release()
void object::test<4>()
        auto_ptr<existing> ap(new existing(exists));
        existing* p1 = ap.get();
        auto_ptr<existing> ap2(ap.release());
        ensure("same pointer", p1 == ap2.get());
        ensure("lost ownership", ap.get() == 0);
    ensure("destructed", exists == false);

 * Checks assignment.
void object::test<5>()
        auto_ptr<existing> ap(new existing(exists));
        existing* p1 = ap.get();
        auto_ptr<existing> ap2;
        ap2 = ap;
        ensure("same pointer", p1 == ap2.get());
        ensure("lost ownership", ap.get() == 0);
    ensure("destructed", exists == false);

 * Checks copy constructor.
void object::test<6>()
        auto_ptr<existing> ap(new existing(exists));
        existing* p1 = ap.get();
        auto_ptr<existing> ap2(ap);
        ensure("same pointer", p1 == ap2.get());
        ensure("lost ownership", ap.get() == 0);
    ensure("destructed", exists == false);
